Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Drunk Boy (Green) by AnrakuAnsaku
酒呑童子 製作・安楽安作

Green vinyl with brown, pink, black, gold, and silver paint. Also came with patterned cloth vest jacket (not shown here) and red loin cloth. Standard size, approximately 9 1/2 inches tall.

Drunk Boy is one of Anraku's "Monsters from the Classic World" (古典の世界の怪獣). Here is a painting from 1858 that Anraku apparently used as inspiration for the Drunk Boy figure design (the illustration was originally shown on Anraku's official website):

大江山の酒呑童子と源頼光主従 (一英斎国艶 江戸時代)

For more background and information regarding the story of Drunk Boy, see here

(All photos of Drunk Boy figure copyright © Geozilla Omni-Monster 2009. All others copyright of their respective owners.)